Getting Started

No-code options for using Helix

Get started quickly, without writing any code.

  1. Login to Helix Dashboard

  2. Generate a payment link

  3. Send to your customers so they can pay online using crypto.

  4. Track the payment status

API Integration

Create an API key

API keys are required as an authentication method with Helix products. By using an API key you authenticate access to the specific API. Without authentication access to the API is denied.

You can request a testnet API which is publically available after a few short questions.

Test mode secret keys have the prefix sk_test_ and live mode secret keys have the prefix sk_live_ . Using a sk_test_will use the ropsten test network for Ethereum. All uses of sk_live_ will use mainnet.

Using the API key

curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc"

API keys are required for the authentication of the calling program to the API. All Helix keys use the same base URL Rememver using a sk_test_will use the ropsten test network for Ethereum. All uses of sk_live_ will use mainnet. These should be stored not in code but in the environment.

We do not recommend using the same API key for more than one environment. We do recommend to use a single key for one specific environment - Testing, Production, etc. The API key is sensitive private information that we strongly advise to have and keep restricted access to it.

Content-Type: application/json

Authorisation: Bearer my-api-key

Last updated